This community first began in 2021 with 2SLGBTQIA+ and allied folks coming together during the pandemic to focus on their wellbeing and self-care. Since then, offerings have continued and have included self-care challenges, learning & growth series and wellness retreats. The Courage to Grow is especially meaningful in the context of oppression and discrimination; finding fellow folks and safer spaces who encourage, celebrate and support growth and healing is a beautiful and sacred thing. If you identify as queer or are a supportive ally or friend, and want to be part of this community, please feel free to contact Christina to learn more.
Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Pacific Time
Focus: Self-care
It can be challenging to find safer, welcoming and inclusive 2SLGBTQIA+ and allied spaces for personal growth and healing. Courage to Grow sessions emphasize coming together with an open heart and mind, and a willingness to be supportive and to provide a safer space for one another.
Each week we will meet virtually for two hours between September and December (except October 3, 24) to connect, learn and share a wellness practice together. Sessions will be either learning focused with Christina or else will be integration sessions with peers. These provide opportunities to connect and share with one another.
​Pillar #1: Physical self-care
From September 19 - October 16, you will be invited to focus on your physical self-care and, perhaps, set a reasonable goal for yourself in any or all of the following areas: Movement, Sleep, Living Foods, Hydration. For any who are interested, you are invited and welcome to participate in a four week challenge with the completion of a daily commitment for your physical self-care. It will be up to you if you wish to track and check-in on a WhatsApp group. In our live meetings, Christina will speak about each of these four health areas, and offer information and possible suggestions for making healthy changes or additions to your life.
Pillar #2: Mental self-care
From October 17 - November 13, you will be invited to notice how you think … What are your patterns? This month will look at some of the ways that we, as humans, tend to think (ie: black/white, either/or, all/nothing) which affect how we perceive reality and respond to life circumstances. We will look at how we can get stuck, and learn some tools for getting unstuck.
Pillar #3: Emotional self-care
From November 14 - December 11, you will be invited to tune into your emotional needs and wellbeing, and practice ways to offer yourself compassionate support. Here, we will engage with self-compassion and kindness practices and self-reflection to help you foster more self-love and care.
Pillar #4: Spiritual self-care
How can you deepen your spiritual connection? In the December sessions, we will share about what this means for each of us and the ways that we may be able to authentically enrich this aspect of our lives. We will also talk about the deeply soulful experiences of loss, grief and surrender.
Structure of sessions with Christina:
For the sessions with Christina, there will be an opening check-in, learning component, discussion either as a group or in pairs/smaller groups in break-out rooms, and either a closing meditation or breathwork. Your participation in the check-in, discussion and closing activity will be optional. If you aren’t feeling comfortable participating, you are invited to be with us and listen.
Structure of peer integration sessions:
Christina will provide a short weekly video made by her offering you something related to the theme, or else, perhaps a group meditation by her or someone else. The rest of the time would be for you to check in and share with each other, if you want. These sessions are optional and are intended to provide a space where you may have continuity and can connect informally.
Flexibility considerations
Christina really gets how some of you might appreciate having flexibility within this program!
How you can choose your participation:
Whether you listen or talk in the group
Whether you participate in the check-in, discussion or closing activity (breathwork/meditation)
Whether you participate in the four-week health challenge
Whether you participate in the reflections or homework
Whether you attend the peer integration sessions
If you miss a session:
It’s not a big deal. Come when you can. The first session of each month will lay the foundation for that month’s theme.
Early bird price - extended 1 week! (register by September 8): $350 CDN
Regular price: $400 CDN
If you are able to contribute toward a scholarship, it will be used for those who may not otherwise be able to participate. Last season, two scholarships were offered in addition to an additional discount. This was made possible by those who generously donated to help others.
To register:
Please email me at and send either the full amount or a deposit of $100 to hold your spot. If sending funds from outside of Canada, please send via PayPal and absorb the transaction fees.